Categories: General Article

Preconfigured Used Servers Can Save Your Business Time and Capital

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Categories: General Article

Living Outdoors, For the Littlest Among Us

Living Outdoors, For the Littlest Among Us

I remember sitting in the folding chairs in my parents’ yard waiting for a hot dog to come off the grill. When my dinner was placed in front of me, it smelled great. But that was all I knew. The seat of the chair was too low for me and the table top was too high.

These days we can make sure that our little ones have the same creature comforts that the adults have. We’ve got jogging strollers and bicycle trailers so our kids can get in the habit of regular exercise …

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Categories: General Article

Projector Enclosures For Use In Environments With Humidity

Projector Enclosures For Use In Environments With Humidity

Humidity is not just bad for your hair and personal comfort it is also extremely bad for your electronic devices and their intended lifespan; humidity is essentially a super fine mist in the air that you cannot see but is still very real as you know.

If you know anyone that has moved from a dry climate to anywhere in the south then you have probably been educated about the humidity in the air and how much different it is.

This super fine mist is equivalent to giving your digital technology. a …

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Categories: General Article

When Projectors Get Really Portable

When Projectors Get Really Portable

We all remember overhead projectors from our science class. They were bulky items of kit that took two of us to move from them from the store cupboard to the classroom and we were warned not to jolt them as the bulb was incredibly fragile and cost hundreds of pounds to replace. Terrifying – we thought the bill would be sent to our parents so we would handle with great care.

These types of projector had one major failing – you could only use them with acetate plastic and a dynamic presentation was essentially handled …

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Replacing a Blown Lamp on a LCD Projector

Replacing a Blown Lamp on a LCD Projector

Having a projector bulb in the middle of your presentation or your screen that suddenly display the warning will be frustrating for you. But you do not need to be panic as long as you have the extra bulb available. By using your it, you can easily change the worn out bulb and then return your presentation quickly, with the brighter picture. Here is information that you can read in order to make easily removing the worn out bulb.

For the first step you need to turn off your projector and then …

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Categories: General Article

How to Find the Cheapest Portable Projector

How to Find the Cheapest Portable Projector

Are you looking into purchasing a portable projector, but are not sure how to go about finding the best value? Portable projectors are quite an investment, and they can greatly improve the quality of your life, so you want to make sure that you make a decision that will be to your benefit. Like any other large ticket item, there is a process that you should go through when searching for your portable projector to make sure that you find the one that will suit your needs.

First of all, decide on a …

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Categories: General Article

Electric Projector Screen Selection – What’s to Consider?

Electric Projector Screen Selection – What’s to Consider?

An electric projector screen has some nice advantages in comparison to a fixed, dedicated screen upon a wall that serves as nothing else… for instance, being able to have a decorative space for picture hanging and whatnot while not using that space for projection viewing, as well as being able to deploy the screen electronically through the use of the switch or an IR remote control… but the convenience itself isn’t the only thing to be considered here. To get the best, most crisp, clearest image from your projector, you’ll need to …

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Categories: General Article

7 Tips to Protect Your Home: Door Locks and More

7 Tips to Protect Your Home: Door Locks and More

When it comes time to protect your home, don’t skimp on your safety. There are certain aspects to home protection that should not be overlooked. Read on to better understand.

1. Door Locks: Serious door locks can be bought at any online hardware store, but you may want to supplement a good lock with a storm door. This complementary barrier will further dissuade thieves from attempting to break into your home, especially if there are another couple of door locks on it.

2. Sensor Light: On your patio install a …

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Categories: General Article

The Best Projector for iPad 2

The Best Projector for iPad 2

The iPad 2 was released in early March and has since been widely received as a monumental improvement to its predecessor. With its new HDMI output, the iPad 2 can do a whole lot more than it once could and projector connectivity couldn’t be simpler. Using the iPad’s keynote application, it is very easy to create visually stunning and content rich presentations that can now be displayed to a much larger audience. So other than a conventional HD projector, what can you connect your new iPad 2 to in order to project decent images?…

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Categories: General Article

Using Shutter Dogs and Shutter Hinges – A Guide

Using Shutter Dogs and Shutter Hinges – A Guide

Cast iron shutter hardware is a great way to introduce a colonial architectural style to your home. Using shutter dogs on your windows is especially important as these pieces are designed specifically to hold your shutters in the open position. Shutter hardware, in its earliest form, was made from wood and leather (as iron was far too expensive for the common homeowner) and usually home made. Unfortunately the need to create more durable hardware became a necessity over time as the shutters of a home were vital in providing security for …

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