Categories: General Article

Fashions 2010 – Creative Shapes in Cabinet Knobs

Fashions 2010 – Creative Shapes in Cabinet Knobs

Is it about time the cabinetry in your home gets a makeover? For many people, it’s been a while since their house has had a re-model done to it. This means some parts of your home may be starting to show their age a little more than others. One of the most common places that age is shown in the home is in cabinetry. The reason for this is pretty simple. That cabinetry gets a lot of use. Think of all the times that there are hands on the cabinets and handles, …

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Categories: General Article

Get the Right Projector to Give a Good Presentation

Get the Right Projector to Give a Good Presentation

Are you looking to make presentations? Do you want to step to the right opportunity? If so, you need a projector, and in this article, you will discover why it is absolutely essential for success.

There are many ways to give presentations, and in different places, but the fact remains, to really give an outstanding presentation, you need something extra, and that extra something, is in the form of a projector.

Imagine connecting your laptop to the projector and giving a dynamic presentation, one which gets approval, and brings the sale, …

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Categories: General Article

Aaxa L1v2 Second Generation Laser Pico Projector

Aaxa L1v2 Second Generation Laser Pico Projector

The Aaxa Technologies L1v2 is the updated version of their L1, Laser Pico Projector, and the only second generation laser powered projector on the market. The thermal efficiency of the PCOS laser light engine has been increased to produce images with better color saturation. It utilizes a unique three color laser light source that changes rapidly in projection size on flat or curved surfaces with focus free operation for angled projections from near and far distances. It is slightly larger than the first generation Aaxa Tech L1, but is still roughly the size …

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Categories: General Article

How To Copy PS3 Games – Introducing The Game Copy Wizard

How To Copy PS3 Games – Introducing The Game Copy Wizard

If you have been wondering how to copy ps3 games but are not sure if the Game Copy Wizard software will work for you – I totally understand where you’re coming from. It is probably safe to say that you’re already familiar with burning regular songs to CDs. It actually took me a while before I learned how to work the CD burner. Then after I finally got the hang of it I started burning and backing up all my personal data.

I’m also an avid gamer, and some …

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Categories: General Article

Mounting Your Projector Made Easy

Mounting Your Projector Made Easy

These projectors are highly useful in this education process because they portray different types of pictorial and colorful representations of the information that is being given. These projectors are also really fun at home to watch movies, old photo graphs etc. The cost of installing these projectors are as high as cost of buying them. So now it is time that you wake up and see that it is time for you to do your projector installations by yourself, without expert help.

We always find it to be fun when we are doing things together …

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Categories: General Article

Computer Networking Fundamentals

Computer Networking Fundamentals

In the past, when two persons were willing to share data between each other, they were relying on movable disks such as floppy disks and CD-ROM. These ways of transmitting data between remote computers are often difficult especially if the files will be transmitted very often.

Because of the above difficulties in transmitting data across movable disks, the idea of networking two or more computer has been arisen. Instead of transmitting the files across movable disks, the computers are connected to each other by cables through ports on the computer. When someone needs to transmit the data …

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Categories: General Article

Outdoor Movie: Neighborhood Drive In!

Outdoor Movie: Neighborhood Drive In!

Our neighborhood has a friendly contest each summer, to see which family can put together the most fun group event for the least amount of money. It is a great way to get the families together for some seasonal fun. In the past, all kinds of block parties and potlucks have been tried. While those events are all fun, I finally found something that really stood out from the crowd. This year, we were able to win the contest by a landslide – more votes than all of the other families combined! What did we …

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Categories: General Article

Easy to Use PC Tools Can Help Hardware Diagnostic Issues

Easy to Use PC Tools Can Help Hardware Diagnostic Issues

With all of the different software, programs, and resources available, computers have become an excellent tool for everyday home and business use. Just like any tool, however, consistent use of a computer can cause its components to break down, causing system failure and often times, loss of important data and time. Fortunately, users have several tools available to help them diagnose and treat such failures, ensuring every aspect of their computer’s system is operating properly and to its fullest.

Over time, many components of a personal computer can start to …

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Categories: General Article

The Payroll Time Clock Advantage

The Payroll Time Clock Advantage

Some companies think the money a payroll time clock (or several) costs is too much for their business to afford. Sound like your company? You’d better think again. If your company has more than 20 employees, and you have not automated your time and attendance system, you are losing a lot of money.

Accuracy/Lost Time Savings: Several studies show that the cost savings from increased accuracy can easily pay for the time and attendance program.

The American Payroll Association says a typical company will be 92% – 99% accurate in their keying in payroll data. …

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Categories: General Article

Preconfigured Used Servers Can Save Your Business Time and Capital

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