Electric Projector Screen Selection – What’s to Consider?

Electric Projector Screen Selection – What’s to Consider?

An electric projector screen has some nice advantages in comparison to a fixed, dedicated screen upon a wall that serves as nothing else… for instance, being able to have a decorative space for picture hanging and whatnot while not using that space for projection viewing, as well as being able to deploy the screen electronically through the use of the switch or an IR remote control… but the convenience itself isn’t the only thing to be considered here. To get the best, most crisp, clearest image from your projector, you’ll need to think a bout a few more factors that are involved. For example, you’ll need to consider the dimensions of the room as to where the viewing audience will be seated – this will govern what size screen will best suit your specific needs.

As far as this particular factor in electric projector screen selection goes, this can be quite simple; keep in mind that the biggest impact of screen size and viewing angle falls upon the front most seated viewers in the audience. You’ll need to determine the distance between these people and the surface of the screen itself, and decide upon a screen height that would be about one third of this distance for the most comfortable viewing. As far as screen width, a field of view of about an angle of 30 degrees between the left and right of the screen would be the best parameters to fall within for the most comfortable viewing in this respect. From there, anyone seated in any existing rows behind those in front can most assuredly be able to view things quite comfortably.

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Other things to consider when choosing an electric projector screen are screen materials and screen gain. Depending upon the screen materials, you could have a crisper image with some than others, and there are more than one type because there are different types of projectors… some projectors are DLP type, others are LCD – and screen gain is a measure of brightness that the screen can provide for viewing. An electric projector screen with a high level of screen gain has a higher amount of reflectivity than those with screen gains of lower levels. In other words, a projection screen with a high level of screen gain will show lighter colored and white projected objects with much more brightness than a screen with a lower level of screen gain. Choosing what level of this can depend upon things like the amount of ambient light you have in the room you are projecting images across. When you consider these things as you choose your electric projector screen, you will have the best idea of which screen would best suit the specific needs of your projection room, whether it may be an office for work related presentations or a home theater.

By lexutor

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