You Can Do A Lot More With Your Iphone Than You Think

You have no doubt heard of the iphone since it is so popular.This simple device has had a huge impact on how people use their phones.

You can take pictures with your headphone cord on the iphone. Press the button located on the cord when you are ready.This can help to avoid any movement of the phone and create a blurry picture.

You can set location-based reminders through Siri. You can tell Siri to remind you to call your work at a specific time. You can tell Siri to remind you to do something when you reach a certain location like home. The phone will then detect when you are home and give you of your call. You can easily set a reminder if you are unsure of the time you will get home.

Suppose you are using the Internet to locate a dry cleaner that is close by. When you find the number, you don’t have to go back to the phone menu to call. Just tap on their number and you’ll be connected to your desired business that you want to call.

There is an app that allows users to upload files to the iphone and make it a storage device for your important files. You can upload music, videos, pictures and music. You just need to link your iphone to a computer in order to access files, or link it to another computer to download and access them.

Did you know that you can use the headphone cord to take a photo? Begin by bringing the picture you want to capture.When you are ready to take the photograph, engage the cord’s button. This will take the photograph for you. You can now save the picture like you would normally.

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Are there special characters such as umlauts or accents that you wish to include in your texts? You will see a box that has several more keys. This will give you to type with fancier letters and you are sure to find what you are looking for.

A website that is designed with boxes can be perused slowly using one finger to see each box. Two fingers will allow scrolling helps you quickly scroll through the whole web page.

Have you ever lost a great picture because your camera app did not come up quickly? Try this easy shortcut. Tap twice on the Home icon two times when your screen is locked. A little camera icon will appear at the bottom on the screen. Tapping this icon will automatically load your camera.

After reading the article above, you surely have learned something new about your phone and how to get the most out of it. Use the advice here to make the most of your phone. Your experience with the iphone will be much improved, once you have mastered the use of it!

By lexutor

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