Why Businesses Should Use WAN Optimization in Conjunction With Network Virtualization

Why Businesses Should Use WAN Optimization in Conjunction With Network Virtualization

Looking to tap more of the bandwidth ocean? WAN optimization used in conjunction with network virtualization is the most effective solution for businesses these days. Each provide a complementary value that work together to give customers their greatest bandwidth potential. Make Skype blips, slow loading screens and bumbling Internet inactivity a thing of the past with WAN optimization and a cohesive strategy of network virtualization.

Essentially, there are two things that it does best- disk-based data de-duplication (data streamlining) and erasing the limitations of Microsoft’s CIFS protocol for file transfers. These are areas that it does not address, so no approach is complete without a mixture of the two.

At the same time, network virtualization allows businesses to tap far greater bandwidth for a significantly lower monthly cost and greater reliability than an private MPLS line or a Frame Relay WAN or simply WAN optimization by itself.

To be clear, it works wonderfully to reduce file transfer times the second or successive times a file is accessed, but when you add network virtualization, you speed up all data transfers, including first time transfers and security encrypted data.

Not only that, but it vastly improves performance with issues of loss or jitter. Network virtualization effectively hides the jitter from the devices hooked to it, so its clear for a smooth stream. WAN optimization improves average performance, whereas network virtualization improves reliability and predictability. Having both gives you the best of all worlds.

In fact, the application specific approach of WAN optimization is ideal for Microsoft’s CIFS protocol for file transfers, designed originally for the very low latencies found on LANs. Therefore, it does not work well with WANs in high latency, therefore requiring the two step approach. It adds value to the WAN optimization’s CIFS file solutions by providing flexibility in the midst of improved bandwidth flow.

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Using both can vastly improve what you can do online. It makes such capacities of VoIP, video conferencing, as well as the transfer of pre-compressed or encrypted files an absolute breeze. It allows appliances to choose network paths for minimal packet loss and minimized jitter so you get the strongest connection possible.

Companies should stop asking themselves whether one or the other is really the way to go. In this age, a two step approach combining WAN optimization as well as network virtualization is the way to go. This way, we get the greatest bandwidth possible with better flexibility and lower latency. For increased bandwidth with improved reliability, combining the two technologies is essential.

By lexutor

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