How an LCD Projector Works, Its Features and Benefits

How an LCD Projector Works, Its Features and Benefits

Today, LCD televisions and projectors are very common in the marketplace. LCD technology allows us to see a much better and clearer picture than we have been able to get in years past. This article will focus on how a LCD projector works, its benefits, and its features.

Most people realize the great picture than a LCD projector gives, but most people do not understand how this great picture is made. The way that a LCD projector works is quite complex. Light is sent from a metal halide lamp through a prism. This prism separates the light into three poly silicone panels. These three panels are for the red, green, and blue components of the signal the video puts out. The polarized light will pass through the panels and that’s when individual pixels will be opened up. These pixels will allow light to pass, or it will block the light from passing. The opening and closing of these pixels will produce the many different shades and colors that make up the image.

One thing you will want to consider when using a LCD projector is the screen the image will be projected on. The screen can make a big difference in the picture quality. Because the projector is a LCD projector, the image will already have great quality, but if the screen is not adequate then the picture would not be as good. The best kind of screen is a blank, white screen. A wall could be used, but it won’t provide the picture that a blank, white screen specially designed for a projector will give you.

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One thing you will want to look at when buying a projector is its throw. The throw is basically the ratio that is use to control the size of the display that will be projected. For an example, if the throw ratio is 3.0 and the projector is fifteen feet away from the screen, then the width of the display given out by the projector will be five feet. This is something to consider when purchasing a LCD projector.

By lexutor

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